Luca Trabucchi, guitar


Born in Sondrio, he graduated “con lode” at the Civic School of Music in Milan under the guidance of Maestro Roberto Da Barp, and at the “G. Verdi” Conservatory in Milan.

In parallel with his musical studies, he attended the Faculty of Political Sciences, graduating from the State University of Milan.

He studied with Oscar Ghiglia (Chigiana Academy of Siena), Stefano Grondona, Ruggero Chiesa. He won First Prize in numerous National and International Competitions in Italy and abroad, including the Salon de Provence Competition (France), the “Savona in Musica” Competition and the International Music Tournament (TIM), in Rome. He performs concerts in Italy and abroad (Germany, France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, Brazil, Norway, Argentina, Saudi Arabia).

Numerous CDs have been published as a soloist and in various chamber ensembles, in particular the Duo Waldner together with Liliana Pesaresi. He is a guitar teacher at the “Marenzio” Conservatory of Darfo-Brescia, Director of the classical course of the Civic School of Music of the Province of Sondrio and Artistic Director of the CID of Sondrio.

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