Masterclass LeAltreNote 2024
From 24.08 to 01.09 in Valdidentro
Structure of the masterclass
Courses and seminars will take place in Valdidentro, in the municipal buildings of the Elementary and Secondary Schools. Concerts will be held at the Centro Polifunzionale Rasin.
Instrumental lessons will be held mainly in the morning. The afternoon will be devoted to ensemble (chamber music – flute ensembles) and seminars (schedule may vary depending on the number of participants, the activities of LeAltreNote Valtellina Festival and the student concerts).
The concerts scheduled for the students will be held on 29, 30 and 31 of August
Prizes and scholarships will be presented on the 1st of September.
Scheduled seminars:
26.08 “Schubert the piano sonatas” Giorgio Colombo Taccani
25.08-28.08 “Sing on stage” Umberto Scida
27.08 “To rule my world by sound: sing about my daily life” Unsu Kang
28.08 “A musical journey” Laura Patrizia Rossi
29.08-01.09 “Peter-Lukas Graf”
Information about masterclasses and courses
For information about the masterclass and corses
tel. +39 346 583 1399 and +39 328 444 8458
there will be discounts for students.
Information and reservations: +39 034 298 5040
For other types of accommodation: Valdidentro Turismo
tel. +39 034 298 5331 –
How to get to LeAltreNote: a coach service provided by Perego, official carrier of LeAltreNote, will be arranged on 23 August (Milan – Valdidentro). The return service will operate on 2 September. For further information and booking: or